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Victorious Keep Faith Alive

aka: Candy

11/16/2013 - 11/9/2021

Multiple perfect scores in Obedience, Rally and Agility, 22xHIT,  2xTotal Dog Awards, Performance Award of Merit, Ranked #1 (tie) GSD in Utility A in the country (2016),  UCDX  URO3 CD  UDX  OM2  AJP  AXP  PT  CCSS-L1


R.I.P. my firecracker, my soul mate, my pride and joy.



Run free from pain in heaven, my Candy

I will love you forever and never forget

How you flew like a rocket in the air for a ball

It still gives me goosebumps how athletic you were

How you spun a thousand times when excited

How you walked behind me to make me feel safe in the dark

How you shivered in anticipation before every agility run

How every obedience trial you made me feel like we danced

How you slept beside me every night on a couch

How I witness your first and the final breath.

I will love you forever and never forget

How you loved me back unconditionally…

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